Silly adventures of the Baksuz family
– W e a r e B a k s u z i k i –

Life is better when you play! …and break a few rules along the way… and mugs. And Christmas lights…. You get it.

the Cat, the Hero, the Legend
Original stories *
written by The parents
Memorable characters
Our cats and the silly cameos
Melted hearts
Yours 🥰
Have a few laughs with us, as we share everyday adventures of our feline bundles of joy.
* we are sure that many other cat lovers can relate to most of them, though! And that’s exactly why it’s so funny 😄
Story Categories:
Most recent
- Kroasanushka and The Poor Curtain
(for the 100th time) - Kroasanushka The Football Legend
- Kroasanushka The Expert Thief

Most frequent
- Kroasanushka The Whiner
- Kroasanushka and The Jingle Balls
- Kroasanushka The Little Creep
“Kroasanushka is a national hero, accomplishing feats we never thought possible. I give credit where it is due… even though he annoys me… a lot. Don’t tell him I said that… or I will come after you too. I’m not joking.”

Fan Letters
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